What is United Wealth Education
United Wealth Education United Wealth Education: Education isn’t just about getting good grades. It is indeed a profitable investment for a country and a society. On the occasion of the release of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report, Unesco looks back on the economic…
What is Money? – Characteristics, History, Function, and More
What is Money? Money is a well-accepted asset within a community as a means of payment for its economic and commercial exchanges. These assets or goods serve as a unit of account and a store of value. They help measure the value of things on…
Net Worth – Definition, Equity, Calculate, Meaning and Analysis
Net Worth Definition It is mainly made up of own funds (the money contributed by the partners plus the reserves saves by the company and the profits it generates). Previously, own funds and net worth were considering synonyms. However, according to the new international criteria,…
What is Wealth? – Types, Difference Between Gross and Net Wealth, More
What is Wealth? Wealth is linking to profusion. The most common use of the term mentions owning many things of material value, such as property or money. On the other hand, this same notion can express a fortune on a symbolic level, as occurs when…
International Monetary Fund (IMF) – Information, Beginnings, Role in Financial Markets, and More
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an association made up of practically all the world’s countries and is considered the axis of the international monetary system. His main objective as a consultant and mediator is to act as a supervisor of the countries and mediate…
Gross National Happiness (GNH) – Components, Advantages, Disadvantages, and More
Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a metric that measures the well-being of a society considering the healthy development of material and spiritual aspects as a whole. The gross national happiness index (GNH) aims to measure the happiness of society. No more. However, it is worth…
How Can You Maintain Healthy Mental Health?
Mental Health: As I stated at the outset, the majority of us are beneficial to our physical health, to our state of health. However, we are unaware that mental health is just as vital as physical health and that if we aren’t psychologically well, it…