What is a Budget? – Features, History, Periods and More
What is a Budget? A budget in economics refers to the quantity of money need to meet a certain number of the expenditures require to start a project. In this way, it can be distinct as a predicted figure that guesses the cost of achieving…
What is Finance? – Characteristics, Types, and More
What is Finance? Finance corresponds to a financial area that studies the obtaining and administration of money, capital, and financial resources. It looks at both the obtain of these resources (financing) and the investment and saving thereof. Financial studies are concerned with money management due…
Lead Generation – Differences, Trends, Challenges, and More
Lead Generation – Lead generation includes any activity that constitutes a sales opportunity for a customer in both the short and long term. It can be described from both inbound and outbound perspectives, in the beginning. Middle or end of the business process in the…
Accounting – Definition, Origin, Types, Objective, Basics and More
Accounting Definition Accounting is a resource available to achieve the expenses and income of a company. Any company developing its action carries out purchase, sale, financing processes. As a result of these doings, its possessions differ, and it obtains a profit or a loss. It…
Command Economy – Definition, Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages
In a command economy (as well known as a centrally planned economy), the central government controls all major characteristics of a nation’s economy and production. Instead of the traditional laws of supply and demand of the free market economy, the government mandates what goods and…
Free Market Economy and Planned Economy
Free Market Economy – Throughout history, as a result of the development of each country, in parallel with the formation of social and political structures, and especially depending on the prevailing political system in a given country, different models of economic systems have been developed….
Economic Growth – About, Theory, Factors, and More
Economic growth is the positive evolution of the living standards of a territory, usually countries, measured in terms of the productive capacity of its economy and its income within a specific period. The strictest definition of economic growth is the one that indicates that there…