What is BlockChain?

The block or blockchain is a digital database where all the transactions carry out on something specific shares. Information groups into groups of data called blocks. New information that enters this database cannot delete, preventing forgeries from occurring.

The operations record in the computers of all those who participate in the chain, including quantity, date, procedure and participants. Once share and record online, they cannot delete. Thus containing an accurate and verifiable record of all transactions that have in history, on that matter, which is registeres with cryptographic keys.

The information of a transaction contains within a blockchain, which is intertwin with the other blocks (that is why it call a chain of blocks). Each block has a cryptographic encoding, and no type of information can delete, so the security is total.

The blockchain lets transactions carry out without the intervention of third parties in a completely secure, transparent and private way, even if the parties are thousands of kilometres away.

One of the advantages is that the transaction movements are public so that both parties can consult them, but the specific data of the exchange is private.

Description of the Blockchain

What is blockchain technology? Initially used in the complex world of cryptocurrencies, Blockchain applications now show great potential in many other vital sectors. Gartner, an industry analyst firm, forecasts that the added value of the blockchain technology business will grow to $176 billion by 2025.

Although it is still in its infancy and faces several challenges, this technology will revolutionize how consumers and businesses interact with data. Blockchain can redefine how we manage supply chains, conduct transactions, and exchange assets.

The blockchain is a dispersed electronic ledger that constantly grows as “blocks” of data are added, recording new transactions. Trending Topics represent an executive summary compilation of news, information and perspective on the issues affecting companies and business leaders today.

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“The blockchain” first emerged as the technology underlying the digital bitcoin currency. The blockchain is a decentralized electric ledger that constantly grows as “chunks” of data are added, recording new dealings.  The provides complete information on transaction addresses and balances, from the original “genesis” block to the most recent transactions.

Operation of Blockchain

Usually, data registries have always been centralized or decentralized.
Operation of Blockchain
A centralised database is in a single fixed location, such as a land registry. If you want to know who a house belongs to, you go to the registry of your city and find it. The decentralised database would be, for example, the municipal libraries, in which in all of them you can find a copy of Don Quixote and read it. The distributed database goes beyond the concept of databases:

Each operation performed on this system generates a new block of data. Blockchain information stew in a decentralised manner. That is, no public entity has ownership of the data. Since that information derive from different servers from multiple computers, also, anyone can keep this information on the server. In addition, it was being able to be financially rewarding. All this, according to their contribution to the network. This process is called mining; through this process, all the information verifies.

It uses strong security, decreasing the chances of hacking. In addition, the transactions that carry out are irreversible. Once the information registers, it is also copies to other servers. In this way, it was impossible to delete a block of data. Everything is recorded in history.

All information stored in the system is public. However, only the person performing the transaction will discover all the knowledge inherent.

Other Sectors that the BlockChain

Although the blockchain was popularly known for its use in digital currencies, it is a system that will be able to exchange all kinds of properties, such as:

Electronic voting system: Governments could modify the current procedure and facilitate a voting system through blockchains  that avoid manipulation and censorship

Cloud storage: The blockchain could eliminate the supervision of a provider (such as Dropbox or Google Drive), which is responsible for the data you save, but everyone will know how much and where you have it stored.

Public registries: Data such as patents and property registries could be publicly register faster and less bureaucratic.

Elimination of intermediaries: Just like eliminating supervisors in the cloud, all types of intermediaries could eliminate. For example, if we want to rent a house for the summer holidays, with this new technology, the presence of a traditional financial intermediary (bank) that charges a commission will not be necessary, since through a Blockchain system, both the lessor As the tenant they will have all the visible information, it will serve as proof of identity without the need to resort to external managers (banks) that act as intermediaries.

Technology Work of Blockchain

A blockchain is a record-keeping system where an entry validates by multiple sources beforehand. It is additional to the blockchain. Once data is different, it cannot change, and the best distributes to various places inside the net. Adding a new form (known as a blockchain ) to the requires verifying mani fold memberships connect to the chain net. These data blocks are all related together and form the chain. All transactions are public to persons on the blockchain, but all identities are hidden.

The combination of cryptography and timestamps lets blockchain skills verify that this progressive hash sequence never changes automatically. This action prevents the insertion of new blocks out of order, which prevents the alteration or falsification of deal data. Blockchain Basics

Blockchain: A shared digital ledger that provides a reliable means of recording business transactions using a sequence link data (or “blocks”) in distributed network of members.

Cryptography: A data protection and communications technique used in a blockchain to send or store statistics so that only intended recipients can access the data.

Hash: A type of cryptography. In a blockchain, the soup is encrypting a string of letters and numbers uniquely and permanently linked to each block in the chained sequence (sometimes called a “fingerprint”).

Block: A sealed data compartment that contains: 1) its own block identifier hash; 2) the hash of the previous blockchain sequence, and 3) a set of time-stamps transactions.

Blockchain transaction: A data record verified by chain members that provide virtually inviolable proof of business transactions, for example, contractual or financial agreements.

The Blockchain as a Public Record

To falsify a transaction, it would not be enough to change one or several computers. As it is a public registry, there may be millions of copies, and records. Is all the computers that keep a copy would have to change. Which is completely unfeasible, as it is an open and public database.

However, the Blockchain allows you to save any document, as we will see below. Thanks to distributed consensus, an unalterable record of past events carry out.

Its drive is similar to that of the accounting ledger. Still, in the blockchain case of the blockchain, it is responsible for digital recording events, which can share between many different parties. It said that its operation is like a database. However, the way of interacting is other.


Blockchain remains a digital ledger (a constantly growing list of electronic records) of transactions maintained over time, is not central, and uses cryptography (algorithmic code) to protect its structure. Blockchain data distribute over a net of processers.

Users can directly interact with store data in real-time without needing an intermediate or vendor to authenticate transactions. The technology provides an independent, tamper-proof, and transparent platform that offers blockchain participants a secure means of storing, transmitting, and processing sensitive information.

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Review What is BlockChain?- Description, Operation, and More.

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