Even if you are financially literate, you may unknowingly make mistakes that cause you to overpay at the supermarket. As a result, you spend too much on groceries, and there’s no spare money for going out to fancy places or gambling at कसीनो. Some of these mistakes are your preferences, but most of them are simply clouded by the tricks of marketers who skillfully manipulate your mind to sell you products at the highest price.
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You Don’t Have a Shopping List
One of the most trivial mistakes inherent in the vast majority of people. We wander between the rows, glancing from one shelf to the other, trying to remember what we need to buy and what is missing from the fridge.
The situation becomes even worse when you come to the supermarket at least a little hungry. Combined with the lack of a list, this leads to unreasonable purchases of something “delicious” to satisfy mental hunger. So before you go into the store, make a list and move through it. This doesn’t mean that the list becomes a boundary you can’t go beyond, just that it will help limit your illogical urges.
You’re Loyal to One Brand
The fact that a brand has earned your trust through quality, taste, reliability or some other characteristic is a good thing. The problem is that as you get used to buying a certain brand, you stop noticing its competitors. And since competition forces companies to work on quality, especially newcomers to the market, a cheaper product may have, for example, a less harmful composition.
A well-known brand, once trusted by its customers, may slowly deteriorate quality for the sake of economy, without the customers noticing it. This is because it already has its own “base” of consumers, while newcomers to the market or those who are in the shadow of a major brand don’t have this advantage. So don’t be afraid to try new brands, the main thing is to have as few harmful substances in the composition as possible, as well as the purchase of the product is more reasonable in terms of quality to price ratio.
You Look Straight Ahead
Marketers are responsible for what you will consume and in what quantities. Many techniques are used to attract the customer’s attention, one of which is product placement. So, for example, the goods that are most profitable for the supermarket to sell are at the eye level of the average person. Besides, there are also low benefit areas designed for children. That’s why various candy bars and toys in supermarkets are located at the checkout at a height of no more than 100 centimeters.
Since your attention is focused on what you’re supposed to be looking at, you don’t notice the better products in terms of quality, quantity and price ratio. They tend to be located below or above the area with bargain goods for the store. By the way, the good old method of looking for fresher products at the back of the shelves is starting to fail, as marketers have figured out that customers are aware of this point. It’s now possible to find products with expired shelf life closer to the walls of the shelves. In this case, the consumer, thinking he is taking a fresher product near the wall, out of habit doesn’t even look at the expiration date and ends up buying an older product than the one in the front.
You Look at the Brightness of the Packaging
Marketers are constantly working to make packaging more appealing to the customer, such that they can’t take their eyes off of it. In this case, the likelihood increases that the customer will choose this product over another simply because of its appearance, even though a more unsightly package may conceal a product that is of better quality. One has to pay more for brightness.
Review Top 4 Financial Mistakes You Make at the Supermarket .